Sunday, April 24, 2011

Future of the internet

People might be question what will be the FUTURE OF THE INTERNET...Internet is indeed a fast growing technology that started from web 1.0 and nowadays we are so used to web 2.0

Yet, internet starts introducing the web 3.0 a smarter version of the web

However, there are various thoughts by various internet experts and users about the future of the of the probabilities is:

  1. Audio web surfing
  2. Web surf on any device
  3. Input revisited
  4. Mobile networking
  5. The end of .com domination
  6. IE6 stops being used

Web 3.0

People might predicts what will happen in 5 years from now about how internet will be..but to be honest, who knows what will happen really.

Internet might give us easy access towards information in just a single snap hand, but everything comes with a positive side and a negative side of a new technology. Therefore, it is important for us to understand the technology we are using so that we can use it wisely too.

Be ready to whatever the internet may gives us..However, be wise too in using it..

google vs apple

Google Inc. is an American multinational public corporation invested in Internet searchcloud computing, and advertising technologies. Google hosts and develops a number of Internet-based services and products,and generates profit primarily from advertising through its AdWords program. The company was founded byLarry Page and Sergey Brin, often dubbed the "Google Guys"
The company's mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful",and the company's unofficial slogan – coined by Google engineer Paul Buchheit – is "Don't be evil".In 2006, the company moved to its current headquarters in Mountain View, California.

Apple Inc.  is an Americanmultinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronicscomputer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Apple software includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software; the iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture, a professional photography package; Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products; Logic Studio, a suite of music production tools; the Safari internet browser; and iOS, a mobile operating system. As of August 2010, the company operates 301 retail stores in ten countries, and anonline store where hardware and software products are sold. As of May 2010, Apple is one of the largest companies in the world and the most valuable technology company in the world, having surpassed Microsoft.
Established on April 1, 1976 in CupertinoCalifornia, and incorporated January 3, 1977, the company was previously named Apple Computer, Inc., for its first 30 years, but removed the word "Computer" on January 9, 2007,to reflect the company's ongoing expansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its traditional focus on personal computers. As of September 2010, Apple had 46,600 full time employees and 2,800 temporary full time employees worldwide and had worldwide annual sales of $65.23 billion.

One of the products that people tend to compare between google products and apple products is the browser..
another product to compare =P

Which one is better? I can't decide..but users who have tried both can definitely give opinions about it =) So maybe by trying both products Google or/and Apple have given us will be the 1st step for us to be able to judge and decide, which one is better and which one suits our needs best =)


People are asking..what is internet?
The older people might not understand how internet works, or even internet might be something "alien" for them. But when you ask the younger generations about internet..various answers will be given to you.

Some people might believe they need internet to look for answers and information needed. But some internet users might not be able to live their lives without internet for even a single day.

Internet has been widely introduced, although some places might not be able to use or get internet connection yet, such as very rural places. However, internet has been an important aspect of our lives.

When internet 1st came out, we can only access internet through our PC. But nowadays, even as simple as mobile phone can access internet connection and enjoy all the information the internet has =)

Internet has been a very widely used tool all around the world. There are so many users and so many information in the internet world. As internet users, we do need to be cautious towards information we receive from the internet and we need to be WISE in using the internet =)

Internet has been given numerous impacts towards our lives. Whether it is good ones or negative ones, we are the one who can decide about it, we are the one who controls the usage of the internet. and not the other way around.

Enjoy the benefits of internet, but remember: BE WISE =D

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Internet and journalism

Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues, and trends to a broad audience. Although there is much variation within journalism, the ideal is to inform the citizenry. Besides covering organizations and institutions such as government and business, journalism also covers cultural aspects of society such as arts and entertainment. The field includes jobs such as editingphotojournalism, and documentary. (wikipedia,2011)

Current state of journalism worldwide (wikipedia, 2011)

Even in more optimistic scenarios, no one has a business model to sustain digital journalism beyond a small number of self-supporting services. The attempts of newspapers to shift their operations online have been commercial failures, as they trade old media dollars for new media pennies. We are enthusiastic about Wikipedia and the potential for collaborative efforts on the web; they can help democratize our media and politics. But they do not replace skilled journalists on the ground covering the events of the day and doing investigative reporting. Indeed, the Internet cannot achieve its revolutionary potential as a citizens’ forum without such journalism.
Much of local and state government, whole federal departments and agencies, American activities around the world, the world itself–vast areas of great public concern–are either neglected or on the verge of neglect. Politicians and administrators will work increasingly without independent scrutiny and without public accountability. We are entering historically uncharted territory in America, a country that from its founding has valued the press not merely as a watchdog but as the essential nurturer of an informed citizenry. The collapse of journalism and the democratic infrastructure it sustains is not a development that anyone, except perhaps corrupt politicians and the interests they serve, looks forward to. Such a crisis demands solutions equal to the task.

here are to videos about "future of internet" from stanford Uni and YALE uni presentation:

journalism has been moved from traditional printed version to the use of RSS through our google home page/google reader. What will happen next in 5 or 10 years, might be quite "unexpected" these days. What will happen next with journalism, is like thinking about what will happen next in 5 or 10 years about internet. It changes so fast that sometimes we are kind of lost track. However, we should know and be wise when we read and want to consume any information from the internet =)

Be wise guys =) information might be just a slide away, but not everything we see in the internet is real and the truth =D so BE CAREFUL =D But enjoy what we are already served with.. =D

Internet and Politics

A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group. In democracies, political campaigns often refer to electoralcampaigns, wherein representatives are chosen or referendums are decided. (wikipedia,2011)

Therefore it is important for the party who seeks supporters to be able to reach through targeted supporters and sending messages throughout. So that targeted supporters can have a better understanding and those people who have not have a stand might be able to be persuaded.

The internet is now a core element of modern political campaigns. Communication technologies such as e-mail, web sites, and podcasts for various forms of activism to enable faster communications by citizen movements and deliver a message to a large audience. These Internettechnologies are used for cause-related fundraising, lobbying, volunteering, community building, and organizing. Individual political candidates are also using the internet to promote their election campaign.
Signifying the importance of internet political campaigning, Barack Obama’s presidential campaign relied heavily on social media, and new mediachannels to engage voters, recruit campaign volunteers, and raise campaign funds. The campaign brought the spotlight on the importance of using internet in new-age political campaigning by utilizing various forms of social media and new media (including Facebook, YouTube and a custom generated social engine) to reach new target populations. The campaign's social website,, utilized a low cost and efficient method of mobilizing voters and increasing participation among various voter populations. This new media was incredibly successful at reaching the younger population while helping all populations organize and promote action. (wikipedia,2011)

various ways to reach audiences:
Blogging, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Online Donations, and Online Organizing and Communications are Key Aspect of Political Campaigns
In this year's mid-term election, the Internet has proven to be the necessary tool for campaigning on all levels. Campaigns have developed sophisticated Internet tools to enhance their campaigns, targeting young and web-savvy voters. (

Politics: is a process by which groups of people make collective decisions. The term is generally applied to the art or science of running governmental or state affairs. It also refers to behavior within civil governments. However, politics have been observed in other group interactions, including corporateacademic, and religious institutions. It consists of "social relations involving authority or power" and refers to the regulation of public affairs within a political unit,[2]and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy. (wikipedia,2011)

As been know, it is irresistible in our daily life to be without politics. Even sometimes politics happen between friendships, works and so on. However, politics have been quite a "No NO" for youngster nowadays.

It is inevitable that the future of politics are in youngsters hand. However, it requires some willingness for youngsters to join political worlds these days.

These are various reasons why youngsters are not interested in politics:

Nine out of 10 youngsters do not aspire to a career in politics because they see politicians as pariahs who are not transparent, face safety risks and have to please everybody, an Abac poll learned yesterday.

The Indian youth is experiencing what is called as the depoliticisation process or in simpler terms, a disengagement from the world of politics. There’s growing apathy towards political activities and politicians from the youth these days owing to the domination of politics by crime and corruption. Due to the lack of an efficient political system in the country and its contamination by felonious and iniquitous acts, youngsters prefer veering away from politics.

U.S. president Barack Obama used internet effectively during and after his campaign =) This is one of the video used during his campaign..

Ok here are two videos used during President Obama's campaign back in 2008. 

As youngster these days, we need to realize that:
although politics seems like an uninteresting or scary world. But we cannot forget that our future is in our hand. Our generation will be needed to fill the politic world someday. It is important to know politics in a  way, thus we will not be shocked when we are indeed need to face it in the future. Our future is indeed in our hand, so we need to make sure we can be a great politician or at least we can choose the right politician to help our be a better world.

Multimedia in the internet

Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content forms) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms. The term is used in contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of textaudiostill imagesanimationvideo, andinteractivity content forms.

Multimedia can be used in various ways. As entertainment, as an educative media, or even as a marketing media. This video is a multimedia from the internet that will give us an idea on tips for internet marketing for small business.

Various businesses have used multimedia in the internet to help them promote their products (including service). One of the most interesting business to keep being checked out is apple. Usually the videos are about their new (or upcoming) products that are presented by Steve Jobs himself. One of the video done by Apple, inc. is the presentation of the newest iPad2..

It is important to know ways to make use multimedia in a very effective way =) (for this case is learning-teaching process) can be read from

With everything the internet and technology provide us with these days, it is important for us to know which one to choose for certain purposes we are going to achieve. Thus we can reach our goal in the most effective and efficient way as possible =) 

Internet and (in)security

A forum reported a crime case by a new zealand boy back in 2009..
Owen Thor Walker was plead guilty because of his help towards a crime gang hacked into more than 1 million computers and skim millions of dollars worldwide. He was 18 when pleaded guilty. However, Owen was dismissed and he was released without a criminal record after paying a fine and forfeiting cash paid by the criminal group for his expertise.

There are various ways to protect internet users from unwanted stories that we might ever heard before, such as viruses, phising, and other unexpected (yet in the same time it is always expected to happen in an internet world) issues.

and another video will be from:

There are many ways we can protect ourselves from "virtual" is important to be aware with all of these.. =D

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Internet Tools

Some people have been wondering, what does Google really do? Are they simply a search engine?? The answer is NO =)

This week, I have been learning many features that we can use from Google to help us search more than websites. I start to use Google alerts once I know it helps me know all the news about my interest. I do not have to keep google it down everyday to look for news about my favorite things, but with google alerts it helps you to get the news directly to your email about everything about particular interest(s) that you have subscribe to. Now what I need to do, is just simply wait for the email to come to my inbox everyday =) how cool is that right! =) 

Here is the video on how we can use google alert feature:

Another thing I would love to share this week is I have created a video on my own =) YEAY!
This video is created with iMovie =)
This video is about my Christian faith, so for those who might think you wanna pass this video, you can surely do so. But if you guys are going to watch, I would love to make a disclaimer that this video is simply based on my belief, which is Christianity and I hope I do not offense anyone.

I guess this is for this week blog, hope you guys can enjoy more features from google =) CAU!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


It is never too late to learn something in life. Because everyday we actually do learn something  =)

These e-learning has been a new way to learn (in the same way to teach) all kind of forms through the use of technology and internet connection. E-learning makes studying become easier. 

There are several reasons why e-learning is beneficial:

  1. To overcome infrastructure and other resources constraints
  2. To reach new learners (in example for people who are working and studying in the same time)
  3. To revitalize faculty, staffs, institutional programs and services
  4. To allow and encourage collaboration with other national and global providers
  5. To improve learning experience for student (based on online discussion, etc)
How to make e-learning effective:
  1. The multimedia principle: adding graphics to words can improve learning
  2. The contiguity principle: placing text near graphics improve learning
  3. The modality principle: explaining graphics with audio improves learning
  4. The redundancy principle: explaining graphics with audio and redundant text can hurt learning
  5. The coherence principle: using gratuitous visuals, texts and sounds can hurt learning
  6. The personalized principle: use conversational tone pedagogical agents to increase learning
My own experience:
with the fact that I am a UB-SIM student, sometimes I have to do online discussions which are up on the university blackboard. This is considered as e-learning. With the use of technology, I can do a discussion with various people all around the world who are taking the modules. It is amazing how things work. The discussion becomes interesting because different country might give different point of view. It does not only make me learn about particular module, but it makes me learn about appreciating one another and greater knowledge about the world's view =)

Future digital classroom:
It is possible if each one of the students will carry their own PC(or laptop) and they can start having their own classroom =) It will be amazing if we can have a classroom where we can connect and discuss and learn things together but we might not need to spend hours for transportation. And it will be amazing if things can be taught in 3D version, although we might not be in the same place as other people.

Microsoft Surface Technology:
Microsoft Surface (codename Milan) is a multi-touch product from Microsoft which is developed as a software and hardware combination technology that allows a user, or multiple users, to manipulate digital content by the use of gesture recognition. This could involve the motion of hands or physical objects. (wikipedia, 27th feb 2011)

This technology will be a big HIT, because even nowadays there are many businesses and government sectors that have been using this technology. 

Some reasons why it can be a successful technology because:
  • Make content more engaging
  • Plan and simulate
  • Make learning more fun
  • Transform the shopping experience
  • Connect with customers through games and pastime
  • Communicate and connect
Personally I have been amazed with this technology the 1st time I saw this technology from the internet. Nevertheless I believe that this technology does not only become a successful technology from microsoft, but it will become an utility for individuals/groups/private or government sectors.

E-learning does not only give an easiness to the learners, but in the same time it gives benefit to teachers/lecturers too. It may take sometimes for us to get use to it, but when you are familiar with it, e-learning can become a great tool for us to learn. Happy trying!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


"Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-comme-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks." (wikipedia, retrieved on February 19th 2011)

As every single business works, it aims for profits and its successfulness through many ways possible. E-commerce as an electronic commerce has almost the same purpose, yet e-commerce has some differences in ways to make it such a successful business. Nevertheless, it is inevitable by the business to make sure some important features of e-commerce are in the website. Such as: 

Plan your strategic direction:
You should be clear about the products you sell, the target audience, their ability to buy, the competitive edge (whether someone else is selling that product and if yes, at what cost and with any added facilities or not).

Easy user interface:
Your online store should be easily navigable. From the home to the 'thank you’ page (the page that a shopper will get once he completes a purchase) everything should be optimized properly and have uniform display. All offers, discounts, terms etc. should be clearly mentioned in your store.

Build trust:
To run a successful online retail store, you will have to build trust. The best way of building trust is by giving your customers a sense of security. Your customers should feel that they are buying from an authentic source who will respect his/her privacy.

Offer all widely accepted payment methods:
The payment gateway you use in your store should readily process payments from your customers. Avoid those gateways with limited credit/debit card processing facilities.

Robust technology platform:
Your online shopping cart solution should be built on a robust technology platform such Microsoft .NET. A .NET-shopping cart can give the necessary interface to attain a truly scalable shopping cart solution that will withstand sudden sales-rush during those seasonal shopping sprees.

Have transparent policies:
The terms and conditions, return policies, out-of-stock policies, shipping time etc. are very important for all shoppers visiting your store. Keep these policies clearly defined and strictly adhere to your policies in every transaction.

Maintaining personalization is the key to success through any shopping cart solution. Your customers should know the type of products you are selling IMMEDIATELY on reaching your online shopping cart. Your products should be specific to your customers’ demography.

Incentives and discounts:
Online shoppers often look for best deals and bargains – so, give them freebies and discounts! Most importantly, while giving discounts or freebies, make loud and clear on your online shopping cart.

Manage your customers:
Encourage your customers to suggest changes and when you implement a suggestion – let the customer know. In addition, run polls, run communities and discuss about various beneficial aspects of your products. Be an expert in your line of business and solve customers’ issues.

Maintain a solid customer support:
Good customer support is the key to sustained growth of an online retail store. Display your contact details clearly on your store and answer your customers’ queries as quickly as you can. 

There are also factors why e-commerce might facing failure:
1. They do not find the optimal product
2. Our offer is not convincing enough
3. They do not trust some details of the offer
4. The process of the purchase is difficult and illogical
5. They cannot choose from our range of products
6. They do not find an appropriate method of payment

As like any other business, e-commerce needs to ensure that they have great marketing strategies too. It can be explained through this 10 minutes video:

Last but not least, e-commerce is also linked to the security, privacy and legal issues.

Nevertheless, internet users need to be aware that whenever they are going to particular website (such as payment page), it is important to make sure that the link of the website needs to be https:// to ensure its secureness. And it is also important to manage what should we reveal to the public (in this case the other internet users) and what we should keep to ourselves. Thus that people are not able to misused our information.

It is indeed inevitable to disregard internet and its usefulness. However as smart internet users, we need to ensure that we have read well the terms&conditions and information that we reveal.
And whenever anyone wants to start an e-commerce, as business organization, it is important to ensure the basic key factors of success are in the website. Thus potential buyers are attracted and purchase goods from the website. It is also important to manage the customers you already have. Because these loyal customers might help you become even more famous, through mouth marketing, in which it is a FREE cost for the business yet it gives huge benefits to the organization. 
Good Luck if you are going to start a new e-commerce =) and if you are already doing an e-commerce, keep maintaining your good work! =D