Sunday, April 3, 2011

Internet and journalism

Journalism is the practice of investigation and reporting of events, issues, and trends to a broad audience. Although there is much variation within journalism, the ideal is to inform the citizenry. Besides covering organizations and institutions such as government and business, journalism also covers cultural aspects of society such as arts and entertainment. The field includes jobs such as editingphotojournalism, and documentary. (wikipedia,2011)

Current state of journalism worldwide (wikipedia, 2011)

Even in more optimistic scenarios, no one has a business model to sustain digital journalism beyond a small number of self-supporting services. The attempts of newspapers to shift their operations online have been commercial failures, as they trade old media dollars for new media pennies. We are enthusiastic about Wikipedia and the potential for collaborative efforts on the web; they can help democratize our media and politics. But they do not replace skilled journalists on the ground covering the events of the day and doing investigative reporting. Indeed, the Internet cannot achieve its revolutionary potential as a citizens’ forum without such journalism.
Much of local and state government, whole federal departments and agencies, American activities around the world, the world itself–vast areas of great public concern–are either neglected or on the verge of neglect. Politicians and administrators will work increasingly without independent scrutiny and without public accountability. We are entering historically uncharted territory in America, a country that from its founding has valued the press not merely as a watchdog but as the essential nurturer of an informed citizenry. The collapse of journalism and the democratic infrastructure it sustains is not a development that anyone, except perhaps corrupt politicians and the interests they serve, looks forward to. Such a crisis demands solutions equal to the task.

here are to videos about "future of internet" from stanford Uni and YALE uni presentation:

journalism has been moved from traditional printed version to the use of RSS through our google home page/google reader. What will happen next in 5 or 10 years, might be quite "unexpected" these days. What will happen next with journalism, is like thinking about what will happen next in 5 or 10 years about internet. It changes so fast that sometimes we are kind of lost track. However, we should know and be wise when we read and want to consume any information from the internet =)

Be wise guys =) information might be just a slide away, but not everything we see in the internet is real and the truth =D so BE CAREFUL =D But enjoy what we are already served with.. =D

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