Friday, January 21, 2011

1st week - introduction week

Computer a device, smart phones such as iPhone and BlackBerry, Internet browsers might not be new terms in someone’s life. The current technology has been used so frequent that sometimes people tend to take these facilities for granted. From a very low speed Internet connection some years ago, until recent technology where we can connect to the Internet almost anywhere anytime. Most of the people are so used to these technologies that sometimes would even treat their phones or laptops as a living thing. Nevertheless on the other hand, there are people that do not understand how Internet, Computer, and all these extraordinary technologies work, which some people maybe just a laggard or some unfortunate people who live in rural places that these technologies have not reached them yet. However, everything might seems quite simple, we can just turn on our computer and when there is a wi-fi connection, we can start browse around without any curiosity how this all work. So to help us understand more about how it works in plain english, here is a video I really think helping me understand better about this issue in just 5 minutes.

Internet has been a very crucial device for me personally to connect, with my family back in Jakarta, looking out for information, and even to do school works. This semester, spring 2011, I am taking MUS264 module in which it deals with music all around the world. I may love music, as it is one of my interests, but this does not mean I would know all the classical names that have been very significant in music world. I might know some of the great musician, such as Mozart, Bob Marley to The Beattles. But the names mentioned in the 1st class of MUS264 were names that I heard before, but I am not familiar enough with it. It shocked me for a while, since I love music, but I could not even recall who are these people and what had they done that affect the music world significantly.
Luckily, these days we are easily connected with tons of information in the Internet, and getting information just by typing key words that we are looking for. The best thing comes when the information pops out in front of you just in split seconds (sometimes it takes more time, depending on how the Internet connection is at that moment). It amazed me, it has been and I believe I will always be amazed with this technology. If Internet never been thought or introduced world widely, I might still needed to take buses and go to national library and search for books that may related towards the issue I was searching for.
Internet has indeed helped a lot of people in doing their activities, works, interests, and even updating themselves towards the world. However, Internet sometimes can be harmful since information can flow easily and sometimes it has overflow. Some information might be misleading information, but some information might be purely wrong information. But people all around the world that are connected to the Internet and to this information might believe on what they are reading without really knowing whether this particular information is true or not. There are other more harmful issues about Internet that each user should be aware of, such as phising or spam.
Internet has been something BIG that have changed people’s live, yet it becomes so small that from time to time we start taking it for granted. It starts merging with our daily lives as where some people believe that they are not be able to survive without an Internet.
I believe we should indeed be grateful of the advantages and technologies we have currently, but we need to make sure too that we can appreciate it and use it carefully-wisely. Enjoy the technology, but make sure that technology does not eat you! =P

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